
Back pain treatment and causes

  Back pain There are a lot of reasons that someone gets back pain  The main causes are  The Activity you do  Medical condition  Or from injury  Any age can get back pain but as long as the age increase the chance to get back pain  Causes of back pain  The human back from above to lower consist of many structures like  Bone ,muscle, tendon, disk ,ligament ,nerves  If you have any problem in any of these structures you get back pain  1-spinal stenosis   Is the narrowing of spinal cannel as the result of this narrowing there will be pressure on spinal nerves and d you get back pain and numbness  2-spondylolithesis   Is the forward movement of a bone in the spine it is mostly results from weakened ligaments and joints by arthritis  3-strain   When you twist and at the same time lift something heavy ligaments, muscles ,tendons, may get injury and you get back pain  4-tumors tumors that arise from back or th...

Benefits and types of plank

  One of the best exercises to strengthen core muscles is plank, all core muscles work in the plank exercise such as transverse abdominis,rectus abdominis, Internal and external oblique muscles  Making core muscles strong is important because it helps in daily movements, provide good posture,and reduce back pain          The most important benefits of plank   1-strengthen the core muscles  Core muscles are participate in the most of daily activity like weight lifting ,bending ,movement  So the more your core muscles being strong the more you will do these tasks easily and you will be protected from injury  2-improve posture  A healthy posture helps in equally distribute the body weight  and reduce stress on your spine and lower back  By doing plank exercise and strong core muscles you will improve your posture and it keeps you away  fom back pain  3-boost your metabolism   Plank exercises is considered ...

10 Abdominal exercises

  Abdominal exercises abs exercise is so important and   is vital because it helps in building a strong core it also  strengthen  lower back, improve posture, and stabilize  entire body. Because nearly all bodily movements originate in the core, strengthening these muscles will improve the  range of motion while also protecting you from injury while completing daily duties. The main muscles that work include  rectus abdominals  transverse abdominals external and internal oblique muscles  here we describe the exercises as lower and upper exercise although some of them are bothe upper and lower        lower abdominal exercises  the following exercises are considered the best exercise to build lower abs  1-reverse crunch The main muscle that works in this exercise is rectus abdominis as the main function of this muscle is to flex the trunk over lower limp or flex lower limp over trunk Do this exercise  two...

Best ways to loss thigh fat

 there is 3 main ways to loss thigh fat and build muscles in your thigh  1-eat healthy  to decrease thigh fat, you must maintain a nutritious diet, which is essential for weight loss. The goal should be to burn more calories than you consume. A healthy  diet can assist you in achieving this calorie deficit. It also appropriately fuels your body, allowing you to exercise and tone your legs. There is no a special diet to reduce your weight but generally reducing sugar ad processed carbohydrates are so helpful to loss weight  2-DO cardio exercises  Cardio exercises are considered the best to burn fat not just in your thigh but also in your entire body  You can do high or medium intensity exercises these exercise increase your metabolism and make your body to burn more fat  3-DO leg workouts to build muscles  Strength training can help you shed fat throughout your body, including your thighs, and make your legs more strong it also  gives the...

push ups VS pull ups benefits of pull ups and push ups

push ups and pull ups,  are two different types of compound exercises, in which not just a single muscle participate in the exercise but a group of muscles will take a part in these exercises . both push ups and pull ups have their own benefits . in this article we try to mention almost all different benefits of push ups and pull ups . A-benefits of puh ups   1-increase functional strength   Push ups is one of the compound exercises in which most of major muscles participate in this type of exercise.  they are , Pectorals muscle (chest muscle) Deltoid (shoulder muscle) Triceps  Muscles of abdomen  Back muscles  Biceps  2-improve health of cardiovascular   Push ups burden your heart to deliver oxygen rich blood to your body, specially those muscles participate in the exercise ,and this result in burn the fat and improve your cardiovascular . 3-enhance posture  It has proven that the weakness of core muscles, are responsible for your poor ...

wight loss after giving birth

  Post partum weight loss Do not worry about your weight after birth you can definitly lose these excess weight that you have gained during your pregnancy and return to your non pregnant state  but you have to be patient  Follow healthy diet and do physical activity According to centres  for disease control and prevention it is healthy if you gain (11.5-16)Kg if you carry one baby  When to start physical activity after pregnancy  1-if you had normal vaginal delivery without any complications you can start exercise within a few days  2-If you had C section or any complications during delivery then your health care should indicate when you can start exercise  Best tips  to lose weight after giving birth  1-breast feeding  During pregnancy your body start to store fat so that later after giving birth the mother can use this fat storage to feed her baby so during breastfeeding your body breaks down this fat  Despite that breast fee...

best foods for keto diet

 Foods for keto diet 1 – veggies with low carbohydrate content. Like spinach ,lettuce ,broccoli ,cauliflower,celeray,cabbage ,tomatoes,cucomber   These vegetables contain good fibers which are also a carbohydrate but your body can not absorb it  And it helps with lose weight specially reduce belly fat at the same time these vegetables decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease it also contain vitamin C which is antioxidant and it is very helpful in protection your cells specially your skin cells and promote collagen production protects your skin from wrinkling  2-meat  Meat specially red meat is a good food in keto it contains vitamin B12 Which protects your from cert ain types of anaemia which makes people weak and tired   Meat is also a good sources of  protein which helps to build more muscles 3-nuts and seeds Like almond peanut walnut sunflower pine nut  4-fish and sea foods  It contains vitamin B no carb and good amount of protei...