health benefits and adverse effects of keto diet
Keto diet
The term “ketogenic” refers to a low-carb diet The goal is to consume more calories from protein and fat while consuming fewer calories from carbohydrates.
How it works
If you eat less than 50 grams of carbohydrate in a day your body relays on protein and fat for energy which makes you to loss weight
55–60% calories from fat
30–35% calories from protein
5–10% calories from carbohydrates
But you have to know that keto diet is a short term diet. if you stay on keto diet for long time you may suffer from some (adverse effects) of keto diet
What are the benefits of keto diet
most people use keto diet mainly to reduce their weight
but keto diet has a lot of other benefits
1 -reduce acne
2-lowering the need for diabetes medication
Ketogenic diets have the added benefit of helping persons with type 2 diabetes lessen their reliance on diabetes medication because they are so effective at lowering blood sugar levels.
3-cholesterol level
Keto diet will help to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL)and increase good cholesterol(HDL)
And the risk of heart disease will decrease
It's worth noting that some people's LDL and total cholesterol levels may rise after commencing a ketogenic diet. This is normally considered a bad sign, but if your total cholesterol to HDL ratio is good, it does not necessarily mean your heart health is deteriorate
4-Improved mental abilities
Increasing your consumption of omega-3 fats, such as those found in oily fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, can help you feel better and learn better. This is because omega-3 boosts the amount of DHA, a fatty acid that forms approximately 15 to 30% of our brain.
5-reduce risk of some cancers
6-reduce seizure
long term use of keto diet and its adverse effects
If you stay on keto diet you may suffer a few side effects
because of eating less high fiber (you can only find it in carbohydrates )diet that intestines needs them to function properly
People who suffer chronic constipation or who have recently started a keto diet may benefit from the following methods to alleviate their symptoms:
maintaining hydration
Walking after meals is an excellent way
Do exercise
3-decrease blood sugar
4-You may get diarrhea
If you get to much fat the liver will release more bile that is a natural laxative and makes you to experience diarrhea
5- Dizziness
6- Regain weight
The keto diet is difficult to follow since it restricts what a person can eat. As a result, sticking to the diet for an extended period of time may be difficult. If a person stops restricting carbohydrates, he or she may regain any weight loss.
7- Muscle loss
Because protein alone is not enough to build muscle you need both protein and carbohydrate
How to Minimize the Risks of a Ketogenic Diet
People can reduce the risks of the keto diet by doing the following:
ingesting more healthy fats like olive oil, fatty salmon, and avocados rather than saturated fats to ensure they get enough vitamins and minerals from their food
If they want to lose weight, they should avoid processed foods that contain saturated fat and gradually reintroduce them. once they have reached a moderate weight.
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