Belly fat
Belly fat
-Belly fat is a fat that surrounds your abdomen
-Belly fat has a variety of causes and harmful effects on your health
-In this article we will try to cover almost all the possible causes of belly fat and its harmful effects
-how to lose your belly fat through diet and exercise
Belly fat
There are two types of belly fat
1-the fat that surround abdominal viscera which is known as (Visceral fat)
2-the fat that is located just beneath the skin which is known as (subcutaneous fat )
Visceral fat, is more dangerous because metabolic products which have been released from those visceral fat goes directly to portal system then liver, pancreas ,heart ,and other organs cause organ dysfunction and other bad consequences
What are the harmful effects of belly fat?
If you have excessive belly fat then you have a risk factor to develop one of these disease later in your life
1-type 2 diabetes
2-high blood pressure
3-heart attack and other heart disease like (CAD)
5-breast and colon pancreas esophagus cancer
6-gall stone
7-sleep apnoea
Causes of belly fat
1-Lack of physical activity .
You definitely gain weight if you consume more calorie than you burn it
Inactive life style makes it difficult to loss excess fat specially around your abdomen
3-poor sleep
4-too much alcohol
5-unhealthy diet
Diet with large amount of carbohydrate and sugary drinks like soda and low in protein makes you more liable to have belly fat because sugary foods and drinks have a negative effect on your metabolism
They decrease your metabolism and burn fat
But In the other hand protein makes you feel full for a longer duration and eat less
Avoid foods rich in trans fats ,trans fats induce inflammation and cause obesity particularly belly fat
6-stress and cortisol
Cortisol which is known as stress hormone leads to fat accumulation
Particularly around your belly
How you know either you are obese or not?
You can use obesity evaluating tools
BMI and waist Circumference
BMI will give you the estimation of your total body fat but waist circumference
Tell you the best estimation of visceral fat and its health related diseases
How to measure your BM?
You can measure your BMI by this equation
kg/m2 your weight in Kg and your height in meters square
Interpretation of your BMI
How to measure your waist circumference
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