Back pain treatment and causes

  Back pain

There are a lot of reasons that someone gets back pain 

The main causes are 

The Activity you do 

Medical condition 

Or from injury 

Any age can get back pain but as long as the age increase the chance to get back pain 

Causes of back pain 

The human back from above to lower consist of many structures like 

Bone ,muscle, tendon, disk ,ligament ,nerves 

If you have any problem in any of these structures you get back pain 

1-spinal stenosis 

Is the narrowing of spinal cannel as the result of this narrowing there will be pressure on spinal nerves and d you get back pain and numbness 


Is the forward movement of a bone in the spine it is mostly results from weakened ligaments and joints by arthritis 


When you twist and at the same time lift something heavy ligaments, muscles ,tendons, may get injury and you get back pain 


tumors that arise from back or those tumors spreaded by cancer but started from somewhere else

5-bulging disk and ruptured disk 

It adds pressure on the nerves and cause back pain 

6-kideny problems like kidney stone


Because of the weight that you gain it puts pressure on your back 


          Life style risk factors 

1-being overweight

2-sedentary life style 

3-wearing high heel shows 

4-holding heavy things 


Because smoking may decrease blood flow to spine and increase the risk of osteoporosis 


As long as you get older the risk of getting back pain increases 



Usually you can treat your back pain with rest and other simple home remedies 

But you may also need medical treatment 

      Home remedies 

1-over the counter pain killers NSAIDs

2-applying ice pack on 

the painful area

because ice reduce inflammation 

3-you have to rest

but at the same time do your daily activities because to much rest may result in more pain and make back pain worse 

4-do exercises like swimming yoga walking 


        How to prevent back pain ?

1-do exercise 

Doing exercise make your back muscles strong 

It is recommended to do at least 150 min exercise per weak for adults 

2-if you are overweight or obese decrease your weight

3-lift objects in a healthy and correct way 

4-make your core muscles strong 

5-improve your posture 


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